Neither a Hindu Nor a Muslim

God is our Father, His children are we.
Love every person and pray to thee.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, when he was about 30 years old and staying at Sultanpur Lodhi, Punjab, went as usual to a nearby river for bathing. When he did not return for three days the people got very worried and feared he had drowned.

They were, however, overjoyed when they saw Guru Nanak Dev alive and coming to village. A big crowd gathered around him. Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave his first formal sermon on that day. “God loves everyone of us; for Him there is no Hindu, no Muslim; all of us are his children, hence, equal human beings.”

Both Hindus and Muslims loved Guru Nanak Dev Ji and had gathered there to welcome him. He made them all sit together as equals and named the unique congregation Sangat. Satguruji explained his philosophy by reminding them that people are composed of two things; the “body” which in itself is a dead matter and the “life” which makes all actions of the body possible. Ram and Allah are the cause of these two. We are living because the “body” and “life” are together. Then how can we separate Ram and Allah? God, the Almighty, is both Ram and Allah; those who love Him as Ram are called Hindus and those who love Him as Allah are called Muslims. We should remember the truth – both Hindus and Muslims are human beings created by God and have to be considered as equals.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji while traveling in the Middle East visited Mecca, Baghdad and Madina, the holy places of the Muslims. During his discussion with the Muslim theologians, he was asked who he was. The reply of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the same “Neither a Hindu, nor a Muslim, just a human being”. They questioned Satguruji, as to who was the superior of the two, the one who followed Islam or one who followed Hinduism. The reply given by Satguruji was “Without good deeds, both will repent”.

The reply of the Satguruji embarrassed the Muslim religious leaders because they had been preaching that if a person becomes a Muslim, he is assured of reaching heaven after death. Satguruji emphasized that God values our deeds and not our beliefs.

All humans, being God’s children, have equal status. Sincere honest deeds done to serve human beings are the right path to realize God.