1E siqgurU rwm isMG jI shwie]

‘Carpenter, carpenter, carpenter’ “What do you mean by this”?
“There is he at Bhaini.”
The foolish people visit him and offer per-sent, Some says, He is Guru Nanak; the others call him God. They all are fools”
“I have also heard so. It is the talk of the town” said Mangal singh of Bishanpura. ‘But I do not belive it so. If it is so truth must be revealed.”
“Sardar Sahib! If you do this, it will be a noble task”
“Alright, let us go tomorrow and see ourselves”
During their chat, they heard:
auhnW dw jnm hY dUr, ijnW nY drSn pw ley nY [
ijnHW ny drSn pw ley ny, ijnHW ny nYx lgw ley ny [
aunHW dw jnm mrn hY dUr [
gurUu rwm isMG pUrw, auh krdw duKW dw cUrw[
auh aUixAW nMU krdw pUrw, ijhVy SrnI Aw gey ny [
Those, who have his Dashan, lover him, Attain salvation. Guru Ram Singh, is the eternal Truth. Those who take refuge under him are free from all worldly ailmerts and attain perfection.
“O, you mean worm! Are you the disciple of Carpenter?
The man flew into ecstasy and with due respect replied, “Yes Sardara! I am his devotee. When I took his refuge all fortunes dawned upon me and the Evil forces disappeared. I was a loose character, of such a low degree that even Yama would have rebukingly ordered me to be put into hell. But this Great lord has turned me lighter than air. You call him a Carpenter. Yes, he is the carpenter, who create heaven and earth, who made sun and stars. Well sardara! Do not be proud if your wordly possessions. Do not miss chance kiss His feet”
“Sardara Sahib! Have you seen? What magic Works there”?
“leave it here let us go to Bhaini tomorrow”
Next day Mangal Singh with his attendents on his white mare left to enter the holy place, on seeing him, the white mare neighed. The True Guru with his followers, was on his way to bless, some one. Mangal Singh enquired of them, if there was any Guru Ram Singh. The reply was in positive. One of the Sikhs led the visitors to a house, where the party was served with food to their satisfaction.
At night Mangal Singh, in a dream beheld a wonderful scene. He was sitting in a tastefully decorated hall. In the centre of the hall there was a peerless throne, studden with jewels. There was a gathering of distinguishes angles and gods. All glamour was in full swing. All at once a tall handsome figure, of bewitching eyes, arms running to knees, descended from skies. Upon this sight there was a loud cheer “Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal”.
All the present stood up to pay their regards. The attendant waved the chaur upon the lord, Satguru Ram Singh Ji.
With the shout Mangal Singh woke up and was surprised. He took bath and went to Durbar, but the programme had concluded. Men and women were retuning in quite sobriety or murmuring Gurbani!. No nonsense talk was heard.
He was feeling ashamed of his absence from the Holy congregation and was too eager to attend the evening session.
Afternoon the holy assembly took place. The ragis were busy in singing hymn.
Qum cMdn hm AirMf bwpry sMg qumHwry bwsw[
nIc rUK qy aUc Bey hYN gMD sugMD invwsw[
My Lord you are like the Sandalwood and arind.
By your association the scentless log has become scentful.
The gracious Master accompanied by his Subas reached the Dewan. The reception was respectful as he had seen in the dream. Satguru Ji took the holy sear and men and women paid him their respect, turn by turn. What he noticed, was more surprising the offerings were made but some of these were returned as the one who offered was either murderer of innocent daughters, or had abused some one? He had been considering Sri Bhaini Sahib as den of culprits, but it turned out like the sear of justice Dharam. He could not help waiting more. The Sardara of Bishen pura stood up and tore up his necklace, took off his gold bangles and laid them at the feet of the true Guru. Tears were running upon his cheeks. Stammering, he solicited most humbly to bless him with Nam. I am a misguided and a great sinner. O True Guru take pity”.
His holiness smiled and said “Sardara I am poor carpenter. You are big landlord. How can I help you”? He could not bear long delay, so he with deep sigh, entreated fro Nam. He went on sobbing and uttered, “You are the Carpenter, who abridged sea to cross to Lanka”
The Satguru Ji asked a bystander to bless him with Nam. This was done in no time and he fell into ecstasy and returned home on foot. Reaching home, he ordered to release all cocks, hens and goats, Wine bottle were broken off. Cutting a joke one of his friends said “Sardara, where is Cheeni’? Cheeni has gone to his real Master. All horses, cows as well as gardens are his. I am a mere watch dog”.
Author: Panth Rattan Master Nihal Singh